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Showing posts with the label richard attenborough
Solar Return Reading
Solar Return Reading

Review by a reader- Testimonial

Scorpio Man Love, Lust, and ObsessionScorpio Man Love, Lust, and Obsession by Nikita Gharat
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I think she has described, the Scorpio man point blank. What I liked is the fact that she has elaborated the Scorpio stare.

She let's the girl in love with a Scorpio man distinguish between love and lust. It is true that Scorpio men are known for the loyalty but they can also be brutal heartbreakers. This book helps in finding out whether you are with a keeper or breaker. Also, there are additional chapters such as Scorpio man and eros signs, which help in knowing "what triggers the particular scorpio man".

The book has detailed insight, I loved reading it. Recommended for those in love with a Scorpio man and also for those who are Scorpio themselves.

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Gandhi: The Movie

The craft of filmmaking is not usually about delivering a beautiful piece of art; not only about entertaining the audience but also about connecting them with the soul of the film. The essence lies in the makers ability to maintain the authenticity of the subject even as he mystifies the story. Richard attenborough''s "Gandhi" is an ideal example of such an artistic excellence. It was written by John Briley . The movie sketches the life of the Mahatma from his days at South Africa where he first laid the foundations of '' Satyagraha'' to his unmatched contribution in the freedom struggle of his motherland. The film highlights his various encounters with the British Rulers and efficiently puts forth his non - surfacial but strong will power.Mahatma Gandhi''s virtues such as tolerance and honesty are brought to light by emphasizing subtle incidents ; which took place in his life. Another remarkable aspect of the movie is the accuracy...
Karmic and Past Life Love Reading
Karmic and Past Life Love Reading
Nessus and Dejanira Compatibility Report
Nessus and Dejanira Compatibility Report
8th house Synastry Report
8th house Synastry Report
Progressed Chart Report
Progressed Chart Report