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Review by a reader- Testimonial

Scorpio Man Love, Lust, and ObsessionScorpio Man Love, Lust, and Obsession by Nikita Gharat
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I think she has described, the Scorpio man point blank. What I liked is the fact that she has elaborated the Scorpio stare.

She let's the girl in love with a Scorpio man distinguish between love and lust. It is true that Scorpio men are known for the loyalty but they can also be brutal heartbreakers. This book helps in finding out whether you are with a keeper or breaker. Also, there are additional chapters such as Scorpio man and eros signs, which help in knowing "what triggers the particular scorpio man".

The book has detailed insight, I loved reading it. Recommended for those in love with a Scorpio man and also for those who are Scorpio themselves.

View all my reviews

How to Read A Composite To Natal Aspect To Know If You Have Found The One

composite chart analysis
Perfect Chemistry: Perfect Synastry or Perfect Composite?

A relationship lasts not just because of synastry. It lasts not just because of the composite. It lasts because of a good synastry between the composite and natal charts. It ends because of the lack of contacts between natal and composite. To simplify, it is essential to know how each person views, feels and expects from the relationship. If the expectation of each person are different than the other person then it will not be possible for him or her continue with the relationship.

I come across with many people who have a good synastry, good composite but the relationship never manifests into that good. Sometimes, some people have an average synastry or average composite or both yet it takes off in a good way. The main reason is that each person here is happy the influence the relationship is having on their individual lives.

Like a synastry planet is a permanent transit, the composite planets can also be called the same. If one person has many aspects from natal to the composite and the other has few then the first person will be the one most impacted by the relationship. On the other hand, if both have equal aspects then the relationship can be said to have signs of a lasting relationship. The more important factor, however, is the impact of the relationship on each person. 

composite chart
Suppose, the first person has flowing aspects and a composite Jupiter conjunct natal Venus, it means that the Venus person enjoys joy, fun, learning, expansive and indulgent quality of the relationship. The relationship opens up the Venus person towards adventure, good food and fun time. He/She indulges in luxury and may not watch diet. Nevertheless, he/she finds relationship encouraging and can open up new horizons for him/her to increase wealth. If there are other good aspects especially to/from Saturn, Pluto, Sun, Moon, Mars and Jupiter then the relationship will smile with longevity. 

On the contrary, for a person who receives whose Venus and Mars receives an opposition from composite Pluto and Saturn, such a person will not be happy in the relationship. He/She will feel restricted (Saturn) and may find that the relationship is too manipulative or controlling (Pluto). His/her Venus may purposefully retaliate against the composite Saturn by behaving in a manner that the relationship may seem to prohibit. His/her Mars may launch a frontal attack on the silent, brooding and insecure Pluto. If other aspects are not good then this relationship will turn into an ongoing warfare. Even if the synastry and composite charts are promising, the relationship may not reach a desirable end.

When one partner has direct contacts like conjunct, square, trines, oppositions, quincunxs and many of them then he/she is much invested in the relationship. However, if he has less contacts or more sextiles, semi-sextiles, semi-squares then the investment may be low. It is also essential to note that that the Sun, Moon placements by signs and houses will tell you about how each one acts due to the relationship. Their personal connections to the composites will tell you each one feels about it.

You should also check where your personal planets fall in the composite chart and where the composite planets fall in your chart. For e.g. a person whose composite Sun falls in the 7th house of the composite chart may bring important contacts to the relationship. He/She might be the one who  builds important partnerships. While the person whose Sun falls in the 1st may be the one who attracts most attention or is in the commanding position in the relationship.
synastry reading

On the other hand when the relationship's Sun falls in the 7th house of one of the individuals, it will be the one that brings important political, authoritative contacts to this native. If that Sun falls in another individual's 2nd house, the relationship will bring in money, luxury, royal jewels or royal cosmetics and build royal treasury. It can also mean that this individual is expected to look after the treasury or that his own treasury will be looked after by the relationship.

So, when you study compatibility always keep all these things in mind and don't come to any conclusions based on either synastry or composite charts. Give your opinion about this article in the comments section!


Anonymous said…
thanks for this article it helps a lot to recognize patrons.
In our Composite, Composite Saturn conjunct my Mars.
Synastry is very good and composite as well.. only this aspect. Right now we are just in love ;) but i am wondering if it going to last and if it is going to be difficult for me as owner of Mars. In my natal chart Mars is in 12th and very poor can you pls tell what it means. Thanks
hey u r welcome do subscribe to my blog. Okay, now its marriage aspect. DM me, here, details of you n ur love. :)
Eleanor said…
Hi, what is the orb you use when comparing composite to natal, and you consider also the soft aspects(?) because I was told to look at only conjunction, opposition & square.

Also, how do I see where my planets fall in the chart and vice-versa? E.g. our composite 12th house is Taurus and I've Sun in Taurus, so it means my Sun falls in the composite 12th house? What will that mean? That I feel "hidden"? His Sun falls in composite 4th house so he feels comfortable & "at home" with the relationship?

@Eleanor, the thing is that a lot depends upon on the orbs and degrees. I give a shade to each orb. 0-2 can be called tight aspects, 2-4 moderate and 4-6 wide. Although, most astrologers don't take that wide orbs for composites, I don't see why the influence won't be there. It won't be a can't let go off you one but it can be a good to be with you one.

In case, there are other "can't let go off you ones" then this relationship will work from that person's end.

Now, in your case, with your Sun in the 12th of the composite, do check the orbs, then it means that you might be unable to show your light. On the contrary, he takes charge of the "home". He might feel like a royalty in this relationship. Sun in 4th house is a royalty at home.
Eleanor said…
Hi, I may have got it wrong. My Sun falls in composite 11th house and his Sun falls in composite 3rd house... which means I bring friends/associations and he brings.....?

Not sure which are the key 'can't-let-you-go' aspects...

His Moon/Pluto/NN/Pallas conjunction in natal conjuncts the composite Pluto/Karma in a tight-moderate orb (Moon being his chart ruler). Is this one of them?

However, comp Pluto is also squaring his Asc/Dsc/Mars and he has Pluto square Mars in natal. Will this drive him away?

- Comp Jupiter opposite his natal Juno (1°)
- Comp Mars conjunct his natal Saturn but at a wide orb (5°).
- Comp Sun conjunct his natal Asc/Mars (wide orb)
- Comp IC conjunct his natal Sun (wide orb)

For mine, the significant ones are:
- Natal Saturn tightly conjunct comp Sun
- Natal IC tightly conjunct comp Mars
- Natal Juno conjunct comp Jupiter (tight orb)
- Natal Sun conjunct comp SN(2°) and opposite comp Moon/square comp Saturn at wide orbs.
- Natal Moon conjunct comp Dsc (4°)
- Natal Venus conjunct comp Asc (6°)
dear Eleanor,

You can either buy a composite reading from me or let me take a FREE insight into the charts. I cannot tell it this way. You can dm me the details, on my page
Eleanor said…
Hi, thanks for the free insights offer. I've sent you a message on FB.
Hey dear Eleanor, I'll reply to you soon sorry for the delay.
Anonymous said…
Hey Aishwarya..Loved your article!
What does cumposite venus conjunct natal mercury of boy mean in a relationship ?

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